Innovation isn't just code, it's our DNA

In today's digital landscape, a robust and engaging web application is more than just a luxury; it's a necessity. At BITDNA, we understand the power of crafting bespoke web applications that seamlessly translate your vision into reality. Whether you're aiming to streamline internal processes, revolutionize customer interactions, or launch a game-changing product, our team of expert developers are your trusted partners in the journey.

Our comprehensive web application development service encompass every stage of the process, from initial concept and user experience (UX) design to rigorous testing and launch. We leverage cutting-edge technologies and agile methodologies to ensure your application is not only aesthetically stunning but also functionally impeccable. We specialize in building secure, scalable, and future-proof solutions that adapt to your evolving needs and empower your business to thrive.

Our collaborative approach sets us apart. We go beyond simply coding; we partner with you to understand your unique goals and challenges. We actively listen to your ideas, engage in open communication, and translate your vision into a user-centric web application that delivers tangible results. Whether you have a clear roadmap or just a spark of an idea, our consultants are here to guide you, offering expert advice and strategic insights along the way.

Investing in a bespoke web application from BITDNA is an investment in your future. We help you unlock new possibilities, streamline operations, and forge deeper connections with your audience. Let us take your digital presence to the next level and power your success with a web application that truly makes a difference.

  • Strategic Innovation, Harness the power of strategic innovation with our web application development. We don't just code; we craft digital experiences that transcend expectations. Our team of visionaries is dedicated to infusing your project with cutting-edge technologies, ensuring your web applications stand out in the competitive digital landscape.
  • Tailored Excellence, We understand that your business is unique, and our web application development services are designed to reflect that individuality. From intuitive user interfaces to seamless backend functionality, we meticulously tailor every detail to align with your specific goals, ensuring your web applications deliver optimal performance.
  • Proactive Support and Growth, Beyond development, we offer more than just a service; we provide a partnership dedicated to your success. With proactive support and continuous innovation, our commitment extends to ensuring your web applications evolve with the ever-changing digital environment. Partner with us for solutions that grow with your business.
  • Collaborative Expertise, Choose us for the collaborative expertise that fuels success. Our team consists of seasoned professionals who are not just developers but strategic partners in your digital journey. We actively engage with you, bringing valuable insights and industry knowledge to the table. Collaborate with us, and together, we'll create web applications that define the future of your business.

Complete product teams

Access Business Analysts, Product Designers, Project Managers, QA Engineers, DevOps, or Full-stack developers


Fast iterations & frequent releases

Pre-build components and our own templates let our team deliver more in each sprint – this is the perk of having such experienced web developers on board


Business-tailored architecture

Always designed and develop with your company's growth and the product's scalability in mind


Thorough quality assurance

We do QA before each deploy through manual and automated tests that catch bugs, performance issues, and conversion blockers


Scalable & secure infrastructure

Web development services full of custom solutions optimized for efficiency, flexibility and deployment speed


World-class UX/UI

Designed to help your business with user adoption


Choose battle-tested technologies with community support over hype

Whatever web application you’re building, we got your back at every stage of web development, including web design. We’ve built a core system for a bank and PSP (Payment Service Provider), and other 5☆ custom projects for 140+ companies worldwide. All in accordance with the client’s digital marketing strategy.

Node.js development teams

Because of an abundance of requests for Node.js developers, that will help you develop scalable network web applications made for top performance and real-time data analysis.

This team uses Node.js with TypeScript, and GraphQL.

Your new team will

  • Develop microservices
  • Optimized the app for high scalability
  • Enable live data processing
  • Use Node.js for frontend and backend

React.js development teams

Secure maximum interactivity with a team specialized in the 2nd most popular web framework of 2020 that made Facebook a surprisingly fast global platform.

This team uses React.js, TypeScript & Next.js.

Your new team will

  • Structure the build for A-grade performance
  • Help you reach better page indexing
  • Develop micro frontends
  • Work with smart components you can reuse

Symfony development teams

Have you heard that Symfony offers record-beating performance under heavy request load. Our Symfony developers will tell you exactly how to set it up for full speed and adaptability for millions.

This team uses Symfony messenger, REST API, and Docker.

Your new team will

  • Focus on stability and sustainability in coding
  • Help you reach better page indexing
  • Adopt insightful performance debugging tools
  • Double-secure the app with Symfony's resilient modules

Laravel development teams

Know how to make Laravel work for your business goals. With the support of our PHP talent and one of the largest GiHub tech communities, you’ll see more delivered in one sprint throughout the project.

This team uses either Horizon, or our In-House built packages, REST API, and Docker.

Your new team will

  • Provide you with solid PHP code that functions for years
  • Use pre-built components to deliver in no-time
  • Document your application in detail

TypeScript development teams

Static types strengthen collaboration between Frontend and Backend developers. Onboarding becomes way easier since the code is much more understandable. Fewer barriers mean less development time, and lower code complexity allows companies to run big TypeScript projects.

This team uses Node.js, React, and Express.js.

Your new team will

  • Produce a code base that’s easier to maintain and refactor
  • Integrate TypeScript with other technologies smoothly
  • Avoid small and big errors thanks to TypeScript’s compiler
  • Work on scalability faster as static types turn code into documentation

Next.js development teams

They’re focused on the website’s SEO visibility and A-grade performance that Next.js supports by design. Server-side rendering, static site generation, and Automatic Image Optimisation can help you ship a product of outstanding user experience.

This team uses JavaScript, TypeScript, React Query, and Axios. One of their biggest projects includes leading the technology growth

Your new team will

  • Develop SEO-driven applications that rank well
  • Use Next.js for the frontend and the backend, if needed
  • Ensure websites have the best achievable loading time and cross-platform compatibility

Go development teams

Businesses adapt Go as the new standard used for multi-cloud backend development — especially microservices — as one well-built app can work with computing services from many providers. Go apps can also offer the fastest response time, and integration with third-party services is effortless.

This team uses Visual Studio Code, and Kubernetes.

Your new team will

  • Build components at a speed using Go's numerous libraries
  • Be able to build cross-platform applications easier
  • Minimize software errors thanks to it being a compiled language
  • Reach better runtime scores than with other languages

DevOps teams for CD/CI

Cloud operations are prone to fail easily if handled by teams with no prior experience. Avoid multi-figure mistakes with our DevOps team with a proven record in cloud-native delivery.

This team uses AWS or GCP cloud computing services, Serverless, and Docker.

Your new team will

  • Aide you in successful cloud migration and development
  • Set up cloud autoscaling that prevents money-loss
  • Suggest ways to launch updates faster and smoother
  • Share best DevOps practices with your team

Java development teams

Develop cloud-first and cross-platform applications using Java – the versatile, secure, and stable programming language supported by Oracle and millions of developers globally.

Our team aims to use the capabilities and extensive toolset of Java to build apps across a variety of channels, including embeddable apps or those equipped with stream processing capability.

Your new team will

  • Develop cross-platform apps
  • Ensure high efficiency
  • Implement stream processing
  • Use Java’s environment to its fullest potential

How We Deliver

1. Analyze

Analyzing current architecture, technologies, and painful issues by tracking the logs, crashes, and reported problems.

2. Identify

Identifying areas of improvement by delivering the potential solutions of redesigned architecture, system designs, and required technology updates.

3. Develop

Start implementing the technical solutions. Safe and clean code guaranteed!

4. Test

Perform end-to-end and regression testing to ensure the app's behavior remains unchanged.

5. Release

Go live and give yourself some time to see the impact happens!

6. Monitor

Continuously monitor the latest release performance in time-to-time operations.

7. Handover

Assist you with the technical knowledge through engineer-to-engineer sessions.

8. Continous Support

Never gets worried about the support. We always back you up.

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